- Castable weights approximately 120 lbs. per cubic ft. and is shipped in a 40 lb. bag. For estimating purposes approximately 20 lbs. will cover one square ft., two inches thick.
- Add clean water (3/4 to 1 qt.) for each 10 lb. and mix thoroughly. No other additives required.
- May be cast or troweled into place.
- Meets ASTM C-401 Class B.
- Possesses cold crushing strength of approximately 1500 lbs. per. sq. inch.
- Good for applications well over 2000°F.
- HEAT CAST-40 should be cast no thinner than 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick.
- This product is non water soluble in service.
HEATCAST 40 is a medium weight refractory castable product. It is also sometimes used in place of firebrick; or it may be cast into special shapes for woodstoves, fireplace hearths, walls, boilers, furnaces, and other high temperature applications.