Integral Water Repellent Mortar
Integral Water Repellent Mortar
SPEC MIX® Integral Water Repellent (IWR) Mortar is specially formulated to reduce water penetration and efflorescence of masonry mortar joints. By incorporating a proprietary, dry polymeric integral water repellent admixture during the SPEC MIX manufacturing process, the designer, specifier, owner and contractor are assured the mortar on their project will repel moisture, while maintaining optimal workability and flexural bond strength. When using ASTM C 1357 “Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Masonry Bond Strength” to compare the flexural bond strength of SPEC MIX IWR Mortar to the same reference mortar mixed with liquid admixture as typically added in the field, SPEC MIX IWR Mortar demonstrated a 46 percent increase in bond strength.
SPEC MIX IWR Mortar is a dry, preblended mortar mix that is produced using either Portland cement and hydrated lime, mortar cement or masonry cement with dried masonry sand and a proprietary water repellent admixture formulated for water repellency, superior bond, water retention and board life. Available in Types M, S and N, each meets ASTM C 270 and CSA A179 requirements. SPEC MIX IWR Mortar is available in standard and custom colors.
In addition to custom mix designs that are available for specific applications or properties, IWR Mortars are available for all types of masonry construction, both above and below grade, and are compatible with most specified masonry units. Submittals are available upon request for certification to applicable ASTM, TMS, and CSA standards.
• IWR Mortar is effective and comparable to mortars utilizing a liquid water repellent admixture
• Exceeded the flexural bond strength of mortar made with a liquid admixture by more than 40 percent
• Provided greater resistance to water penetration than reference mortar
• Created a water repellent masonry assemblage when used with water repellent treated units
• Demonstrated 7 and 28 day compressive strengths similar to the reference mortar. SPEC MIX® IWR Mortar is available in 80 lb. (36.3 kg.) packages for easy hand loading or in 3,000 lb. (1,360.8 kg.) reusable bulk bags to be used with the various SPEC MIX® silo systems
Reliable Performance. Proven Durability.
SPEC MIX Integral Water Repellent (IWR) Mortar is specially formulated to reduce water penetration and efflorescence of masonry mortar joints while meeting ASTM C 270 and CSA A179 requirements. By incorporating a proprietary, dry integral water repellent admixture during the SPEC MIX masonry mortar manufacturing process, the designer, specifier, owner and contractor are assured that the mortar on their project will repel moisture while maintaining optimal workability and flexural bond strength.
Water penetration resistance of concrete masonry walls is dependent on wall design, design for differential movement, workmanship, wall maintenance, and the application of water repellents in both masonry units and mortar. Tests indicate that SPEC MIX IWR Mortar, when used with integral water repellent CMUs, creates a water-repellent assemblage when properly designed and constructed.
Based on independent testing, in accordance with ASTM E 514 “Standard Test Method for Water Penetration and Leakage Through Masonry,” SPEC MIX IWR Mortar and the masonry test wall showed no signs of water penetration (R.L. Nelson report, Oct. 2002). The water repellent in the mortar mix imparts hydrophobic properties to the mortar. This impedes water movement through the mortar joints, which also potentially reduces efflorescence.
When using ASTM C 1357 “Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Masonry Bond Strength” to compare the flexural bond strength of SPEC MIX IWR Mortar to the same reference mortar mixed with the leading liquid admixture as typically added in the field, the SPEC MIX IWR mortar demonstrated a 46 percent increase in bond strength (R.L. Nelson report, Oct. 2002). In addition, ASTM C 270 compressive strength values reported for IWR Mortar made with Portland cement and lime materials, as well as that made with masonry cement, achieved similar results as the SPEC MIX reference mortars.
Weighing and blending the dry water repellent admixture during the computer batching process guarantees the consistency and quality assurance of IWR Mortar. The same amount of IWR admixture, as well as the other mortar components, is included in each bag, every time.
For the contractor, this eliminates the time associated with measuring and hand-adding materials on site that lower job site efficiency. More importantly, it eliminates the possibility of varying admix dosage rates that effect the integrity and aesthetic value of the masonry structure.
Using SPEC MIX IWR mortar can greatly reduce the potential for problems associated with water penetration of the building envelope. Preblending all dry mortar materials ensures uniformity of the mixture and increases productivity while improving the long-term performance of the wall system. SPEC MIX IWR is THE ultimate solution.