Masonry Educational Resources

Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association

“CMHA is a trade association representing US and Canadian producers and suppliers in the concrete masonry and hardscape industry, as well as contractors of interlocking concrete pavement and segmental retaining walls.

CMHA unites, supports, and represents the producers and suppliers of concrete masonry and hardscape systems – including concrete masonry, segmental concrete pavements, manufactured stone veneer, segmental retaining walls, and other hardscape systems. From small family-owned businesses to large corporations, CMHA’s members care deeply about moving the industry forward.”


International Masonry Institute

“The International Masonry Institute (IMI) is a partnership between members of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) and the contractors who employ them.


We’re here to educate and empower you to build responsibly.


Training The Best Hands In The Business: The International Masonry Training And Education Foundation

BAC craftworkers receive the best training in the business through a network of over 100 state-of-the-art training centers and certified instructors who teach curriculum designed to meet or exceed industry standards.”


Masonry Institute of America

“This website is the best source for obtaining publications relating to masonry. Browse our Bookstore to see what’s in stock. Need to contact someone else in the masonry industry? Try our ‘Industry Links‘ section. Looking for a competitive quality masonry contractor in California? Check out our ‘Contractors‘ section.

The Masonry Institute of America was founded in 1957 under the name of Masonry Research. We are a promotion, technical and research organization established to improve and extend the use of masonry.”


Natural Stone Institute

“The Natural Stone Institute is a trade association representing every aspect of the natural stone industry. The current membership exceeds 2,000 members in over 50 countries. The association offers a wide array of technical and training resources, professional development opportunities, regulatory advocacy, and networking events. Two prominent publications—the Dimension Stone Design Manual and Building Stone Magazine—raise awareness within the natural stone industry and in the design community for best practices and uses of natural stone.

The association serves as the authoritative source for safety and technical standards and information regarding the use of natural stone. It operates an industry accreditation program and two prestigious awards programs, as well as a continuing education program for architects and designers.”