Drivable Grass
Drivable Grass
Drivable Grass® offers a simple and reliable solution to storm water management through biofiltration, infiltration, and storage without losing valuable site area. With the use of Drivable Grass®, storm drains, hydrodynamic separators, filtration devices, and detention basins can be reduced or eliminated. Drivable Grass® also counts for required green space allowing for more usable land while reducing Heat Island Effect.
This thin profile, permeable, and flexible concrete paving mat promotes superior root penetration and moisture containment beneath the product resulting in healthy turf. Unlike other products with cellular plantings in void spaces within the pavement field, Drivable Grass® develops a continuous root system below the mats, promoting healthy turf while minimizing moisture evaporation. Also, the geometry of the product limits infill and root compaction by concentrating the load on the concrete pads instead of large void spaces.