Amerigo™ Pizza Oven
Amerigo™ Pizza Oven
Fire Farm's Best-Selling Amerigo™ Pizza oven offers everything you need for old world pizza and much more. With more than 1500 square inches of cooking surface, the Amerigo™ has the space to cook plenty of pizza for the largest parties and families, plus the flexibility to handle any other style of cooking you can imagine.
- Arched Chamber with over 1500 sq inch. of Cooking Surface.
- Kit includes firebrick, 9” chimney flue and metal oven door
- Heats up to 800 degrees
- Complements any outdoor kitchen
- Unlimited flexibility while incorporating the taste of real wood.
- Can cook 3 large pizzas at the same time!
Amerigo™ Options
- Additional Chimney Flue extensions
- Amerigo Pizza Cabinet
Wood Suggestions:
Hickory, Pecan and Mesquite wood – any cured wood suitable for smoking meats. Oak is good for heating ovens & generating a bed of coals. Any flavored woods (apple/cherry).