Camosse EA Event

Camosse & Ideal Block: Jan. 25 Customer Demo Event

Attention all masons!
Partnered with Ideal Block, we're looking forward to hosting a Customer Demo Event at our Charlton location! On Thursday, January 25th, our event will be featuring product demonstrations of both Elephant Armor® mortar and the new Surface Armor System, followed by a Q&A, and lunch on us.
Be sure to stop by for an opportunity to learn about the go-to products for infrastructure repair and resurfacing!
For More Information on Both Products:
Elephant ArmorUnlike other mortars, Elephant Armor® is a single component, fiber based, zero polymer, engineered ductal mortar. In addition to the mechanical bond, their fiber creates a fully engaged molecular bond within the mortar matrix, providing extremely high tensile and flexural strength. This also means their product has vastly superior bond strength to anything on the market and will significantly reduce the potential for failure.

Elephant Armor’s ability to flex and take movement is a result of their unparalleled volume of fiber loading within our patented design matrix. These unique characteristics allow Elephant Armor® to be placed directly over severely broken and degraded surfaces. Even in heavily trafficked areas, Elephant Armor® will greatly reduce the risk for spalling and delamination, eliminating the need for traditional remove and replace practices. Elephant Armor's unmatched durability, efficiency and reliability will significantly reduce costs in the repair and restoration of our failing infrastructure.

Elephant Armor FAQ's

Surface Armor

EA Surface Armor™ Concrete & Asphalt Resurfacing System: The Ultimate Thin-mil Concrete & Asphalt Resurfacing System

GST International’s Surface Armor™ System is a polymer modified, thin-mil single component, two-coat cement based resurfacing system for use on existing concrete or asphalt surfaces. Surface Armor™ contains an ultra-fine aggregate and can be applied as a smooth or textured finish. Surface Armor™ can be applied with a roller, trowel, GST Squeegee Trowel or most types of spray equipment.

Surface Armor™ is a structural micro-topping for resurfacing concrete and asphalt, including heavy vehicular applications. Surface Armor™ readily accepts liquid and powder pigments. For best results when adding a pigment, do a test on a small area to ensure desired tint and tone. It can also accept paint after installation and the final application of Ecobeton®- USA Vetrofluid®. (

The Surface Armor™ System includes Surface Armor™, EA Primer and the Ecobeton®- USA Vetrofluid®. (

Surface Armor™ is ideal for filling minor cracks and spalls, resurfacing sidewalks, driveways, warehouse floors, loading docks, bridges, airports, malls and much, much more.

The Surface Armor™ System requires the application of Ecobeton®- USA Vetrofluid® which allows it to sustain heavy use, including vehicular traffic. (

FEATURES / BENEFITS: • Fills and hides small spalls and cracks. • Brings surfaces back to a ‘like new’ appearance. • Significantly increases lifecycle of applied surface. • Accepts Color Pigments. • Can be finished smooth or textured. • Fast and easy to apply. • Interior and exterior use, including drive surfaces. • Can be applied over concrete or asphalt. • Can be applied to vertical surfaces. • Extremely abrasion resistant.

PRIMARY APPLICATIONS Walkways, curbs, ramps, slabs, spalls, cracks, airports, bridges, ICF walls, parking structures, tunnels, dams, malls, industrial plants or anywhere a high strength concrete re-surfacing material is called for.

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