SILFLO® 230 - Self Leveling Wear Surface
SILFLO® 230 - Self Leveling Wear Surface
Silpro Silflo ® 230 is a fast-setting, high performance, multi-purpose, Calcium Aluminate cement-based, polymer-modified topping that can be used as a self-leveling underlayment or as an exposed wearing surface for interior applications. As an underlayment, it is recommended for resurfacing and leveling interior concrete, wood, cement terrazzo, quarry, and ceramic tile floors prior to the installation of resilient flooring, ceramic tile, wood flooring, laminate, or carpet. It is also an excellent light-to-moderate duty wearing surface when coated with an appropriate pigmented coating. Floor coverings can be installed in as little as 12 hours, depending on type, thickness and drying conditions.
Performance Characteristics:
- Thickness: 1/8″ to 5″
- Short cure time: open to foot traffic in 3 to 5 hours. Most floor coverings can be installed in as little as 12-16 hours
- No troweling necessary
- Multi-purpose: use for thin pours, thick pours, underlayment, or wearing surface
- Portland cement-based
- Easy mixing, long working time
- May be pumped or drum mixed and poured
- Provides a compatible bonding surface for tile, carpet, and other adhesives.